Recruitment Procedure

Lothian Childcare Solutions are

Recruiting new childcare professionals

to help us provide quality childcare to families and childcare settings. 

During our rigorous recruitment process, we will ensure that all candidates:

Some of our agency workers may already hold a relevant qualification in childcare and work in a childcare setting. They may therefore have additional qualifications and be registered with Scottish Social Services Council. We will share all relevant information about agency workers qualifications and experience with our clients when childcare arrangements are made.

Further information on both PVG membership and SSSC can be found at the following links:

PVG: Types of PVG disclosure record –

SSSC: The Scottish Social Services Council – Scottish Social Services Council (

Equal Opportunities

Lothian Childcare Solutions is an equal opportunity employment agency. We will treat all staff, and those who use its services, reasonable and fairly irrespective of ethnic origin, race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, age, religion, disability and health.

We will ensure that this value is shared and promoted with every member of staff to ensure that individual rights are safeguarded and upheld.

We will have regard to the equal opportunity provisions contained in local and national guidance and legislation.

View our Equality and Diversity Policy

Safer Recruitment Guidance in Scotland

This resource is good practice guidance intended to help employers, especially those in social care, early education and childcare and social work to meet existing legislative and regulatory requirements in relation to the safer recruitment and selection of people who work with individuals who receive support and care from social services in Scotland. This guidance replaces the Scottish Government’s national guidance Safer Recruitment Through Better Recruitment (2007).

Further information can be found here.